SRH Campus Stuttgart
Blonde Frau mit Brille und orangefarbener Bluse lehnt an weißer Wand

Accreditation and rankings

Excellent studies at the Stuttgart Campus

Quality that sets your studies apart

We offer award-winning, internationally recognised degree programmes. As a system-accredited university with permanent state recognition, we bear the quality seal of the German Accreditation Council. Our degree programmes occupy top positions in national and international rankings.


Permanent state recognition

The SRH universities are state-recognised private universities. All degree programmes are accredited according to the provisions of the Federal State Higher Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz).


Institutional recognition

SRH Universities became one of the first universities to successfully undergo the institutional accreditation procedure of the Wissenschaftsrat (the German Council of Science and Humanities). The Wissenschaftsrat is the most important advisory body in Germany for academic policymaking. Institutional accreditation demonstrates the University’s scientific rigorousness in teaching and research. 


A system-accredited university

We are system-accredited and bear the quality seal of the German Accreditation Council – which means that the excellent quality of our degree programmes and the recognition of your degree are guaranteed. The quality seal of the German Accreditation Council acknowledges the high standards of our University’s teaching and learning. Moreover, we are entitled to use our tested quality assurance processes to accredit our degree programmes ourselves. As a result, you can be certain that you’ll graduate from a cutting-edge, hands-on, methodologically tested degree programme. And you’ll have the knowledge that we follow certified procedures in planning, teaching and evaluating your work.

The German Accreditation Council is a joint institution set up by Germany’s 16 states to maintain the high quality of teaching and learning at German universities.

Genius Loci Award

The Genius Loci Award for Excellence in Teaching

In 2018, Stifterverband and the Volkswagen Foundation honoured our teaching and learning model, the CORE Principle, with the Genius Loci Award, the only prize in Germany awarded for outstanding teaching to institutions. SRH University Heidelberg created the CORE Principle (Competence-Oriented Research and Education) in 2012 as a unique teaching and learning model based on cutting-edge scientific findings from pedagogy and brain research: students delve into a single topic for five weeks – harnessing their own responsibility and working in small groups, and coached by our lecturers. At the end of the five weeks, students are tested to see if they can put the skills they have learned into practice – for example, in the form of mock annual general meetings, presentations or exhibition concepts.

Genius Loci Exzellenz in der Lehre

Top Positions in University Rankings


Our degree programmes regularly achieve top positions in the CHE University Ranking. The CHE University Ranking involves collecting information and facts about study, teaching and research at more than 300 universities and universities of applied sciences under review, as well as surveying around 120,000 students to find out what they think about the conditions at their HEI.

CHE Ranking Logo 2021-2022
Rothaarige Frau steht mitten auf der Straße und blickt in ihr Handy und lächelt dabei

Excellent Start-up Support

With a score of 51.9 out of 60, the Start-Up Institute at SRH University Heidelberg is ranked fifth among small universities in the ranking around the topic of start-up support. The university has been actively promoting start-ups since 2010. From the beginning of their studies, the Gründer-Institut supports students who are interested in self-employment or starting a business with practical teaching and advice. Modules on entrepreneurship are offered in almost every degree programme. In addition, the supports students in finding and validating ideas and makes its networks and room capacities available.

About Gründungsradar
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